Sunday, July 11, 2010

American Coalition......

As I was tooling around researching information to help parents in special circumstances , I came across this national organization. This is great, as it is all about the emotional and psychological well being of children! What better cause could there be! Check it out!


We, the members of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, hereby dedicate ourselves and our efforts to the creation of a family law system, legislative system, and public awareness which promotes equal rights for ALL parties affected by divorce, and the breakup of a family or establishment of paternity. It is our belief through our involvement and dedication, we can have a positive effect on the emotional and psychological well-being of children.

We believe equal, shared parenting time or joint custody is the optimal custody situation.

We believe the best parent is both biological parents.

We believe grandparents should have rights and access to their grandchildren.

We believe gender bias should be eliminated from family law and from future legislation.

We believe BOTH biological parents should be responsible for the emotional and psychological well-being of their children, as well as financially responsible.

We believe in the concept of fairness and equity in support for ALL families; and, that all children involved in a blended family should have equal rights, and do deserve equal rights and equal protection under the law.

We believe child support orders should be reasonable, realistically reflect the cost of the children's basic needs, and reflect the relative parenting contribution of both parents in a shared parenting plan.

We believe when parents are given equal rights, equal responsibility follows; when parents have equal access to their children and support levels are reasonable and reflect the true cost of raising a child, parents will comply with court orders.

We believe when equity is created in our laws, the conflicts inherent in divorce situations dissolve and that, in the end, this is the greatest gift which we, as parents, could possibly bestow on our children.

ACFC's mission is shared parenting.

ACFC Washington Office 1718 M St. NW. #187 Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 800-978-3237 Email:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What does the word Cooperation really mean?

Now a days divorce is happening at least half of the time. Which in the world of helping parents deal with this - brings on the new buzz of "cooperative parenting" and what does it mean? Collaboration, assistance, mutual aide, working together...........for the good of the children. Children are 100% of the time better off if the most important people in their lives cooperate. Now that's a no- brainer to me. So often couples forget about this idea. Moreover, the rest of the folks in their lives forget about it even more. You know that t-shirt? It says "It's All About ME." While everyone is crying in their soup - the little ones are absorbing all of it - every last drop. I mean if a grown up in your life - especially one of our parents -can't move on and put the past behind - why should you right? You have just provided your child with a perfect excuse for all kinds of rebellious behavior. The rules allowing people to get married are pretty darn simple. As long as you are not kissing cousins its pretty much okay. No one really cares. Now, if that same couple wants a divorce 5 years and 2 children later - NOW we have a problem. They had a license to get married - but as you know - did not need one to have the kids. NOW what? HUmmmmm who gets what and who did what to who and who better and who is worse and me me me me me me me! ooops....forgot about the kids.....I want them. No, I want them. Preferably everybody wants them and the kids are allowed to love both parents. And hopefully the parents will say - this has nothing to do with the kids - its about "US" not working anymore. Lets share the kids and both take responsibility for them and love them to pieces, together, separately. What a concept.......and you can do that with out permission.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Its all in the attitude..................

Isn't life pretty much about how we look at it? What the line - 90% attitude and 10% luck? If you want to change your life - change your mind - or your attitude. My dad told me once that "no-one will ever love you as much as your mother and I." I have always kept that close to my heart, especially now that both my parents are gone. Dont you think most parents would agree with that line? So why do so many people asssume that moms are more capable than dads when a child is born? It's because our society here in the US has instilled that in us. Wake up America - its not true. Moms are the best thing ever to their children - and so are Daddy's. I love being a mom and I always have. My kids have been my life for 30 years. Now I have a grandchild and one on the way and there is nothing better. My childrens dad feels the same exact way - no more and no less. My son is a model daddy and my other son is the most excited Daddy to be that I have seen since their dad was in that boat. I see young dads every day in my work - who adore their children and are looking for ways to do better. It's all in the attitude - perspective - and unconditional love that we have for our kids. Forget Dads rights and Mothers rights - its about Parents loving their children; both Mommys and Daddys. Thanks Dad and Mom for being my parents - I know you hear me up there.....thanks to both of you loving me to the best of your ability - which was enough for me. Hummm, did they have a license to raise me?